VPS virtual server virtualizáció szolgáltatás

Virtual Server Infrastructure Service is the right solution for businesses that need an agile, cost-effective, and reliable solution to meet their data storage and operational needs. From simple website hosting to complex, enterprise-level sessions, virtual servers provide a high-performance platform with unbeatable scalability. This makes them ideal for businesses of all sizes.

With fast deployment options for server virtualization, you can move your working environment to the cloud quickly and easily. Our extensive customer support offering ensures that any problems or issues that may arise will be resolved in a timely and efficient manner.

Our monthly fee solutions are not only much cheaper than investing in expensive hardware, but they also offer a range of benefits. Firstly, you don’t have to worry about maintaining physical hardware or dealing with hardware-related issues. Secondly, you can rest assured that your servers are in expert hands and powered by the latest technologies.

Implementing virtual server infrastructure is an excellent method to ensure businesses operate securely and efficiently. Thanks to the geo-redundant solutions in our data centers, our customers can rest assured that their mission-critical operations are safe. This is true no matter what type of network or hardware failure occurs. Scroll down for more details.

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High availability

Thanks to our geo-redundant data center solutions, well-provided energy reserves, and focus on maintaining our assets regularly to prevent failures, our virtual infrastructure ensures exceptionally high availability. Our server machines are under constant active supervision by a 24/7 operator service in our data centers.

On-demand resource configuration

Pre-built resource packages aren’t forced on clients. Understanding that optimization can boost performance and lower costs, we collaborate with customers to tailor virtual server resources to their specific needs. This approach ensures a stable workflow without generating stagnant, unused resources.

Pool system resource usage

In case our customers want to have dynamic control over the amount of resources available on their servers, we recommend pooling resources! This solution means that we provide a large pool of resources, which our customers can use as much as they want, when and where they need it! This gives you complete freedom to control the performance of your own servers!

Redundant infrastructure

We have several data centers in Budapest, which are fully managed and operated by us. This allows our entire virtual infrastructure to be redundant, not only in terms of hardware but also in terms of geolocation and data connectivity. There is no such thing as perfect security, but we strive to achieve it!

Backup services

There are several ways to back up your virtual server. Whether it’s a tape backup, an incremental backup, or just an occasional snapshot of the server, Rendszerinformatika can help you maintain session continuity and operational security!
We store backups of virtual machines going back up to 30 days. This is not only useful in the event of a disaster, but also so that finding and restoring a single accidentally deleted file from two weeks ago is no problem.

Disaster Recovery solutions

If a client company already has a server farm in its own building, but still wants to add an extra security factor to its operations, we offer the option to back up their servers and data directly to Rendszerinformatika’s virtual infrastructure via a data connection. This way, if a building-level incident occurs and the assets stored there are damaged, you will have the ability to restore the data from the versions we have stored almost instantly.

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