Office devices

On a permanent rental basis

With our equipment and software rental services, you don’t need to invest in office telecoms infrastructure, you can simply rent it on a monthly rental basis, so you can focus on your business. We can also take the management off your shoulders if required.

We offer a wide range of Cisco VoIP phones and conference phone rental with equipment warranty.

Apple Iphone and Ipad rental, with insurance and device warranty.

A wide range of Lenovo notebooks with Windows 10 and 11 operating systems, Apple MacBooks with employee residual value program, cold standby service, service coverage for non-warranty defects (ADP – Accidental Damage Protection), Lenovo Thinkvision monitors.

Develop office printers with full service support, security solutions.

Business applications – Call center application and support.

Please select the subject of your enquiry from the drop-down list!
Both consents are required before we can contact you about your enquiry!
Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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Rendszeres külső sérülékenységvizsgálat

cégeknek már havi
14,9 EUR
/IP cím -től (+ÁFA)
Töltse ki a mezőket és kérjen ajánlatot sérülékenységvizsgálatra.
Havidíjas ajánlatunk csak cégek számára elérhető!