IT Security ENG

Internethasználati biztonság szolgáltatás Internet security as a service
Internethasználati biztonság szolgáltatás Internet security as a service

Using the internet is essential for every business, but the dangers of the online environment mean that it is important to make data protection a priority. The Internet security service provided by Rendszerinformatika offers companies a solution to maintain online security.

The service guarantees the best quality without the need for companies to invest heavily. It is provided on a monthly fee basis, making it cost-effective and predictable. The company provides services such as data protection, online fraud protection and encryption.

Data protection is essential for any business and in this regard, Rendszerinformatika’s customers get the right protection solutions. Internet fraud is a threat that no one wants to experience and can cause significant financial damage. Rendszerinformatika’s services offer tough protection in this case too.

But encryption is another level of security. With encryption solutions from Rendszerinformatika, companies can guarantee the security of their customers’ data. Through encryption, companies can ensure that data does not fall into the wrong hands.

The Internet security service offered by Rendszerinformatika provides companies with the best possible protection without high costs. Given the growing number of threats on the internet, protecting your data is key and the services we provide will ensure that your business is prepared for the challenges of the online world.

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Cisco technology

Cisco technology is based on providing reliable and innovative solutions that help businesses maintain online security. As an industry leader, Cisco devices and systems ensure a high level of protection and seamless operations.

Talos-based central analysis

As part of our Talos-based central analysis service, you can monitor threats in real-time and respond immediately. Our intelligent system is constantly updated, so our customers can stay up-to-date with the latest attacks, ensuring their data is protected.

Usage reports

Our usage reports give companies a detailed overview of their online activities and security events. This information helps identify potential risks and allows targeted actions to be taken to protect the system.

User-based pricing plans

User-based tariff plans offer a flexible solution for our customers, allowing them to choose the most appropriate services according to their budget. This approach helps them to make optimal use of their resources without overspending.

Fast expert support

Rapid expert support ensures that companies can get help at any time to solve the problems they face. With immediate response times and expert advice, Rendszerinformatika’s team is always ready to support customers with their Internet security needs.

Ransomware protection

Ransomware attacks pose a serious threat to businesses, but with the right technology, all ransomware attacks can be detected and prevented. Rendszerinformtika’s ransomware protection solutions help prevent financial loss and enable our customers to continue their online activities safely.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability scan

Continuous monitoring Cost-effective Globaldatabases External and internal testing Security operations

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

User internet security Read More »

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment
Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

One of the biggest challenges companies face today is maintaining their online security. The threat of phishing and other cyber-attacks is on the rise. Companies need to pay close attention to protecting their customers’ data and the information they handle.

In this context, Rendszerinformatika’s Technology Vulnerability Assessment is of significant help to companies. They need to know exactly what vulnerabilities they have. They also need to understand what measures they need to take to address them.

Many people think that such a scan is only necessary if the company has already been attacked, but this is not true. Preliminary investigation results can help companies prevent attacks. They can significantly improve their online security.

In addition, Rendszerinformatika’s solution is highly flexible and cost-effective. Companies are not exposed to the burden of individual investigations. They also avoid the consequences of large investments.

Not only do we identify potential vulnerabilities, but with regular scans, we can provide detailed and up-to-date analyses. This helps you identify effective preventative measures. Our expert colleagues can provide a precise description of the most effective way to eliminate a particular vulnerability.

There is no perfect security, but we give you every opportunity to get your company as close as possible to full protection from the IT side.

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Continuous monitoring

Continuous monitoring allows us to monitor the security of your company’s systems in real time. This enables us to respond quickly and effectively to any suspicious activity. It minimizes the scale and incidence of potential damage.


Our monthly fee solutions help companies maintain security without a significant financial burden. They enable efficient resource management. Companies save money and strengthen their defenses at the same time.

Global databases

Use global databases to enhance your company’s data protection. We track the latest vulnerability information and trends. This maximizes preparedness for potential threats and supports the development of proactive measures.

External and internal investigations

External and internal investigations provide a comprehensive view of your company’s vulnerabilities. This allows you to take the necessary measures to enhance security. It gives companies a better understanding of the risks they are exposed to, whether the attack comes from the outside or the inside.

Security Operations Centre

Our Security Operations Centre guarantees centralised control and oversight of security incident management. It allows us to respond quickly to emerging problems and incidents. We can manage potential crisis situations more effectively.

Practical suggestions

We help our customers to take specific steps to improve security. This ensures that all necessary actions are taken as soon as possible. It minimizes potential risks and prevents possible attacks.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability scan

Continuous monitoring Cost-effective Globaldatabases External and internal testing Security operations

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

Vulnerability scan Read More »

DDoS védelmi szolgáltatás DDoS Protection as a Service
DDoS védelmi szolgáltatás DDoS Protection as a Service

During the operation of the protection system, we continuously monitor the amount of internet traffic directed to your public IP address. We compare the traffic data collected against pre-set thresholds.

If our system detects an attack based on these thresholds, the traffic from the IP address likely to be under attack is automatically routed to our filtering system within 5 minutes. T

he filtering system cleans the redirected traffic by blocking the attacking traffic. This ensures that only cleaned traffic arrives, allowing your services to continue operating without disruption during the attack.

The redirection to the filtering system is based on adjustable thresholds. We define these thresholds in cooperation with you, even on a per-address basis.

You can filter bandwidth, the number of connections, and the number of packets per second. Additionally, you can filter the number of TCP, UDP, ICMP, and TCP SYN packets per second and their bandwidth.

If you detect an attack, but the automatic system has not detected it based on the limits, you can manually initiate a redirect to the filtering system.


DDoS protection is primarily used to protect against volumetric attacks. In these attacks, the attacker’s goal is to consume bandwidth or resources of the server under attack.

It cannot or can only handle limited attacks against the application layer (Layer 7).

One of the requirements for this service to work is that your public internet traffic must pass through Rendszerinformatika’s IP network.

The parameters of the service include the bandwidth to be protected and the bandwidth of the attack, which is still being fended off by Rendszerinformatika.

This value is 10 Gbps for 1 Gbps Internet service and 40 Gbps for 10 Gbps Internet service. Above this limit, you can limit or suspend the internet service.

The above process, from attack start to effective defence, will start automatically within 5 minutes. If manual intervention is required for a successful defence, we will take care of this with a response time of 40 minutes.

If the protection system detects that the attack is completed, the redirection to the filtering system (defence) is automatically terminated after 5 minutes.

During the defence, the latency of the affected systems may increase.

An average increase of 15-20 ms is expected for domestic traffic and 5-10 ms for transit traffic.

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Business process protection solution

DDoS attacks can compromise not only the availability of websites but also entire corporate networks. Our goal is to help our customers protect themselves from these threats and ensure their business continuity.

Monthly fee service

Building a DDoS protection system, with the purchase of the necessary equipment, can add a heavy burden of tens of millions of dollars to a company’s budget. That’s why Rendszerinformatika has turned the technological advantage available into a monthly fee service. This makes the most advanced protection solutions available to its customers without the need for large investments.

Market-leading technology

To protect ourselves and our customers, we continuously improve our systems. We deploy leading technologies that can detect and block different types of attacks. This keeps our networks and systems up and running at all times.

Scalable performance

Scalable solutions allow you to flexibly increase or decrease performance to meet market needs. This ensures adequate protection against unexpected attacks while delivering optimal utilisation and cost savings.

Rapid expert support

We provide our customers with high-quality and fast expert support to help them solve problems or deal with potential attacks. This allows our customers to continue to run their business smoothly while we protect their backend.

Security Operations Centre

Our Security Operations Centre ensures centralised control and oversight of security incident management. This allows us to respond quickly to challenges and manage potential crises more effectively.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability scan

Continuous monitoring Cost-effective Globaldatabases External and internal testing Security operations

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

DDoS protection as a service Read More »

IT security datasecurity
IT security datasecurity

Investing in cybersecurity is an essential part of any business. Not only does it ensure that your organisation’s valuable assets are protected against digital threats, it also prevents downtime due to IT security incidents.

A well-maintained IT security system can act as an invisible shield for your business, protecting against data breaches and outages that can impact productivity and profits. Downtime costs money; without adequate security, your business can suffer expensive losses due to malware or other malicious activity.

Investing in IT security pays off in the long run – not only by reducing financial losses, but also by increasing the confidence of customers who know they are safe when doing business with your organisation.

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Market-leading technologies

The latest technologies in cyber security are constantly evolving, enabling companies to offer the best to their customers. We offer market-leading solutions such as Palo Alto and Cisco Umbrella, ensuring that you have the most advanced protection against digital threats.

Affordable solutions

As the field of cybersecurity is constantly changing and evolving, it is often difficult to keep up with newer technologies. For some companies, this can be a problem, as they are often unable to spend large sums on the latest security solutions. We offer affordable, monthly fee alternatives that are accessible to all companies, regardless of size.

Centralised monitoring

We provide centralised control of IT security systems, allowing our clients to focus on their day-to-day activities. Through our monthly fee service, we keep a constant eye on the status of systems and respond in a timely manner to any threats.

Vulnerability scans

Regular vulnerability scans are key to identifying security gaps. These scans help companies to prevent potential attacks and ensure that necessary actions are taken in a timely manner. Our scans cover everything from end-user devices to the entire network infrastructure.

Automated audits

Automated controls provide constant protection, reducing the possibility of human error. These systems automatically and continuously monitor network traffic and anomalies, as well as connected user devices, allowing a rapid response to suspicious activity.

DDoS protection

Protecting against DDoS attacks is vital to maintaining a company’s online presence. These protection measures ensure that services remain available at all times, preventing inconveniences and possible additional financial losses.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability scan

Continuous monitoring Cost-effective Globaldatabases External and internal testing Security operations

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

IT Security Read More »

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