Táblagép Tablet bérlés szolgáltatás Tablet rental as a service

To keep your business running smoothly, you may need tablets. These devices are great for helping you work more efficiently and serve your customers. However, the cost of purchasing and maintaining these devices can be a significant burden on your business.

The solution is Rendszerinformatika’s tablet rental service. This service offers the latest Apple devices on a monthly fee basis.

Apple tablets feature some of the most reliable technology on the market. They provide high quality and a wealth of features to help increase customer satisfaction and improve productivity. The new, modern tablets also enhance the company’s image, which positively impacts customer reception and customer service processes.

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Apple technology

The Apple iPad tablets offered by Rendszerinformatika are equipped with the latest technology. They have innovative features ideal for the modern business environment. These tablets are not only lightweight and portable but also support a wide variety of applications. They offer excellent performance, whether for daily business or creative work.

Investment-free solutions

Rendszerinformatika’s monthly fee service allows our customers to access the latest tablet models. This is possible without having to spend high purchase costs.

Cold standby option

As part of the cold standby option, we keep a stock of devices. These are specifically designed for our customers. In the event of a breakdown or expansion, we can immediately provide machines. They fit perfectly into the infrastructure already in place.

Serving from stock

The stock of Rendszerinformatika ensures that the tools offered for rent are immediately available. Our customers can request fast delivery and activation. This allows their equipment to be put to use without delay, avoiding long waiting times.

"Replace again" service

Our service offers fast and seamless device replacement for failed devices. This ensures that our customers can always benefit from the latest technology solutions. The “Replace Again” service is not only cost-effective but also means minimal delays in the workflow.

Device support and maintenance

Rendszerinformatika’s team is ready to facilitate the management and maintenance of your devices. Our device support and maintenance service includes pre-installation, software updates, and professional support in case of any faults.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

PC eszköz bérlés szolgáltatás PC rental as a service

PC as a service

Lenovo Think and Apple technology Investment-free solutions Cold standby option

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

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14,9 EUR
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