Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

One of the biggest challenges companies face today is maintaining their online security. The threat of phishing and other cyber-attacks is on the rise. Companies need to pay close attention to protecting their customers’ data and the information they handle.

In this context, Rendszerinformatika’s Technology Vulnerability Assessment is of significant help to companies. They need to know exactly what vulnerabilities they have. They also need to understand what measures they need to take to address them.

Many people think that such a scan is only necessary if the company has already been attacked, but this is not true. Preliminary investigation results can help companies prevent attacks. They can significantly improve their online security.

In addition, Rendszerinformatika’s solution is highly flexible and cost-effective. Companies are not exposed to the burden of individual investigations. They also avoid the consequences of large investments.

Not only do we identify potential vulnerabilities, but with regular scans, we can provide detailed and up-to-date analyses. This helps you identify effective preventative measures. Our expert colleagues can provide a precise description of the most effective way to eliminate a particular vulnerability.

There is no perfect security, but we give you every opportunity to get your company as close as possible to full protection from the IT side.

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Continuous monitoring

Continuous monitoring allows us to monitor the security of your company’s systems in real time. This enables us to respond quickly and effectively to any suspicious activity. It minimizes the scale and incidence of potential damage.


Our monthly fee solutions help companies maintain security without a significant financial burden. They enable efficient resource management. Companies save money and strengthen their defenses at the same time.

Global databases

Use global databases to enhance your company’s data protection. We track the latest vulnerability information and trends. This maximizes preparedness for potential threats and supports the development of proactive measures.

External and internal investigations

External and internal investigations provide a comprehensive view of your company’s vulnerabilities. This allows you to take the necessary measures to enhance security. It gives companies a better understanding of the risks they are exposed to, whether the attack comes from the outside or the inside.

Security Operations Centre

Our Security Operations Centre guarantees centralised control and oversight of security incident management. It allows us to respond quickly to emerging problems and incidents. We can manage potential crisis situations more effectively.

Practical suggestions

We help our customers to take specific steps to improve security. This ensures that all necessary actions are taken as soon as possible. It minimizes potential risks and prevents possible attacks.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability scan

Continuous monitoring Cost-effective Globaldatabases External and internal testing Security operations

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

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