Hello Rendszerinformatika _

The professional history and foundations of Rendszerinformatika date back to 1998 when our predecessor operated as a classic project-based and commercial system integrator. Building upon the experience gained during this period, the owners established Rendszerinformatika Plc. in 2010 with the aim of launching what was then a unique IT infrastructure service portfolio.

The time that has passed since then has proven us right: we have become one of the key players in the Hungarian IT service market. We offer innovative and increasingly complex IT resource models to over 600 small and medium-sized enterprise clients.

Our mission has become to develop “pay per use”, i.e., usage-based IT services instead of large-scale IT investments, in order to meet IT demands quickly, flexibly, with a high professional standard, and in an affordable way.

We are the first on the market to offer such a comprehensive portfolio, which not only includes telecommunications and IT services but also provides almost all office equipment infrastructure in the form of a subscription-based service.

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Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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Rendszeres külső sérülékenységvizsgálat

cégeknek már havi
14,9 EUR
/IP cím -től (+ÁFA)
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