Our Values
We work well because we know who we are, what we want, what we are capable of and what our values are. We’ve gathered these here to give you a clear picture of our company and how we work. It is not a set of rules, but a set of values that we are proud to have developed over many years of experience and development.
Corporate core balance
Our value system is based on a corporate equilibrium that tries to balance out the large amplitudes.
In one language of the scales:
Tudnod kell, hogy kisebb vagy nagyobb mértékben, de 600+ prémium üzleti partner, összesen 7.000+ Mrd árbevételéért és 80.000+ alkalmazottja napi munkájáért vagyunk felelősek. Ami azt jelenti, hogy bármilyen szolgáltatáskiesés, hiba vagy leállás komoly üzleti értékvesztést generálhat partnereinknél. Elkerülhetetlen, hogy profik és hatékonyak legyünk. Szeretjük ezt a felelősséget és ezt a FLOW-t, mert hihetetlenül produktív, és folyamatos kihívásokkal és sikerekkel doppingolva, jó érzésekkel tölt fel minket.
In another language of balance:
As this is where we spend most of our time after our real home, we take great care to ensure that the atmosphere is always positive and supportive. On the other hand, we provide a supportive backdrop for colleagues who are out in the field or working late into the night at an off-site location.
Company values
Ownership structure
We have consciously developed the ownership structure to ensure that professionalism always remains the focus (professionalism: 53%, investment: 47% share ownership). The practical consequence of this is that 53% of the owners are actively involved in daily operations, allowing professionalism and a good atmosphere to thrive. Additionally, this structure ensures that there are no draining performance plans designed to cover excessive, luxury owner expenses that exhaust all human values and resources. Instead, there are swift and supportive decisions and exciting collaborations.
They are people just like you, they just have some of the qualities or skills to organise, focus, prioritise and motivate at company level. You can talk to them about anything, address anyone, have constructive conversations.
Operational force
The strength of the company is in the team. Not in the boss’s network, not in a sudden idea or a one-plane business strategy. We look for opportunities, introduce ourselves, close deals and deliver professionally. We plan and consistently deliver the work to plan. We develop products, we build organically, we don’t have divergent business years, we are in a constant and stable peak.
Incredible as it may seem, we are truly independent. We are not beholden to anyone, we have no one behind us, we belong to no one. We believe in ourselves and the quality of the work we do.
Our services are developed quickly, implemented in a time-proven manner, at lightning speed and organised into quality processes. We do cool things that others don’t even remotely understand. Our customer contracts are on average 3 years in order to keep the revenue side of the business stable and predictable.
Our core strategy is long-term stability
In all areas we aim to plan for at least 3-5 years and secure what we can with long-term contracts. Based on our operations since 2010, the average length of employment is 7.5 years and the average length of time our clients have been under contract with us is 5.5 years.
Use of results
We have a golden rule for the use of the results we generate, whereby we only pay out 50% of the results to our shareholders as dividends, leaving the other half in the company to be used for development.
Constant development, construction
It’s a good flow experience and management gives you everything you need to avoid struggling with mistakes, shortcomings or monotonous manuality on a daily basis. We innovate a lot to be better and more efficient. Everyone has one or more bricks in this building process and we are very proud of that.
Cool technologies
It is not snobbery that drives us to use the most advanced and expensive technologies in the world. The truth is that we have chosen them because we are convinced that they are the most efficient and reliable.
In case of trouble
We have experienced difficult situations and crises that required significant sacrifices. To maintain the unity and dynamics of the team, we handle crisis management differently:
- Shareholders forgo their dividends (if this is not sufficient, then:)
- Leaders forgo their bonuses (if this is not sufficient, then:)
- Employee bonuses are withdrawn (if this is not sufficient, then:)
- Management salaries are reduced (if this is not sufficient, then:)
- Employee salary increases are paused (if this is not sufficient, then:)
- Development projects are halted (if this is not sufficient, then:)
- Only as an absolute last resort do we conduct redundancies.
We do not look for fault in others
At company level, we don’t deal with what we can’t change. We don’t complain, we don’t regret, we don’t blame others. We can change what is within the boundaries of the company, so we adapt and innovate constantly. We expect the same mindset at the collective level.
For our future colleagues
HR Management
Tracking salaries
As employees, we know that it is a difficult task to maintain the current market level of the position. We know that it is a huge temptation for an employer to keep salaries artificially low, in the expectation that “you won’t leave us”. Bargaining and making salary demands, and in the last resort going for interviews, is not the best experience. Everyone loses out if you don’t focus on your work and are forced to give up everything you’ve built up in the workplace. With this in mind, every year we plan automatic pay rises based on the Hays Salary Guide, which gives you a factual picture of how much knowledge is worth in the marketplace.
We recruit team members, not just workers.
It should come as no surprise to you that we develop the organisation by saying at the end of interviews not “we’re hiring for the position” but “you’re one of us” based on shared values. On the flip side, we put a lot of effort into maintaining a clean and positive atmosphere to keep out the well poisoners, the hypocrites, the chaos makers and those who see group ranting as the solution to problems.
JUNIOR / SENIOR vs. Talent / Mentor
We love working with the young people coming to us in their final year of university, and seeing their drive and development. We are happy because 90% of them stay with us. We are passionate about the wisdom of our Senior colleagues, and the best feeling is when Senior colleagues mentor us and pass on that knowledge and wisdom.
Lots of success stories
A lot of our colleagues have come from outside the industry, from nowhere, so to speak, and then learnt and developed themselves, moving up and up. It’s great to see our Junior colleague graduate summa cum laude or our Senior colleague gain another qualification for their work, it’s also an incredibly positive and motivating feeling for the whole team.
Focus on human values
Ne aggódj, ha hard skill-ekkel nem állsz túl jól. Tudjuk és értjük, hogy nem minden élethelyzet biztosítja azt, hogy minden tudásról és tapasztalatról papírod legyen. Ha valamiben jó vagy, lehetőséget adunk, hogy azt megmutasd egy próbafeladaton vagy egy együtt töltött szakmai napon. A papírok megszerzésére pedig van nálunk lehetőség, munkaidőben biztosítjuk a hátteret. Magas prioritással keressük a készség alapú tudást, a semmiből való építeni tudást, és magas érzelmi intelligenciát.
We are looking for GIVERs
We are looking for highly emotionally intelligent colleagues who know that you have to invest in all the right things first, in the short and long term. The whole company structure is built on this, from owners to managers. The TAKER attitude, which only takes and only looks after the interests of the individual, is not supported to say the least.
Self awareness, Positioning
The most important thing is to know yourself. What it is that motivates you endlessly, what it is that makes you look forward to joining the company, what your inner drive is. Most of our colleagues have found it. We will give you all the help we can. If you feel that your career is not the status you were meant for, there’s no tragedy. If your core values are well-encoded, we’ll give you the chance to try your hand in other areas. The key is to have fun while you’re doing your job.
Here, you are more
The work of all our colleagues is equally important to us. We see our salespeople as breadwinners for a family, not as artists for a living. Our technical colleagues are wizards, not introverted geeks. Finance people aren’t freeloaders, they’re real housewives who ration the money and create everything so that everyone else can focus on their work. Our salespeople bring real value and solutions, not just sending them out to get the client’s money. And without procurement and logistics, all the areas where they do their work with tools are dysfunctional.
Bring your ideas, let’s calculate the return on investment together. If the numbers prove you right, we’ll back it up with the funds to test it live. If successful, go home a hero for the day. This will be your “brick”.
Honest, open communication
Always straight on. Why? Simply because it’s brutally effective. It’s much more useful to put energy not into hiding things and explaining them, but into finding the cause of the problem and fixing it. If you don’t have to be afraid of the shame (everyone here is daring to take it) or the consequences, you have nothing to lose and everyone looks up to you. You can expect the same openness from the company.
We are patient and understanding
We know that our operations are complex, we don’t expect superhuman results. But we do expect progress, activity, an understanding and participatory approach from the very beginning.
We know that everyone makes mistakes
Failure is not a crime, failure is acceptable, there is no need to hide it. However, the root cause of every mistake must be sought and every effort must be made to ensure that it never happens again. We give you the time and tools to do this. If the same mistake happens again, it’s a nuisance, but no tragedy. Unfortunately, if it happens repeatedly, we can no longer afford it.
Be kind, modest and humble
In the beginning, be humble and modest at work until you reach a professional level. Ask questions and don’t brag! Read up and don’t declare. Get involved in everything and don’t get left out! Don’t gain respect and esteem by positioning yourself, but by learning and fitting in, because you can quickly find yourself in a vacuum. Use the phrase “I want to know, learn and understand it better” instead of “why don’t we do it this way, because at my previous company….”.
Fear is a bad motivator
We know that fear is present in many organisations, in order to save managers time and avoid using real motivational tools. In our case, there are no consequences for failing to do so through negligence. We admit that keeping anyone in fear is inhumane and counterproductive from a business point of view.
It's too hard to give up on you
We experience it as a setback and a kind of tragedy when we have to send someone away or when they leave us. As mentioned a few thoughts above, we first look for fault within ourselves. If something goes wrong, we put a lot of energy into fixing it together.
In everyday life
"Open a ticket"
We use case management and case history systems to ensure that nothing is forgotten and that you can see the full history of a case. This way, when others get involved, they have as much information as possible.
"Read it in the Knowledge Base, then ask questions"
It’s not inhuman, but it’s important for everyone to be able to do their job without being disturbed and not being asked every half hour how this and that is.
"Add it to the Knowledge Base"
We believe in the power of sharing knowledge without interest. If you have found a problem that may affect more than one person and there is no content in the Knowledge Base, please write down the solution in the space provided and report it to your manager. This will help you the most.
Everyone is a process manager
We believe that the BAD STRESS is caused by disorganisation, lack of information and lack of thought, and that it is the responsibility of the leadership. For this reason, all our business processes are managed in a process management system and we give you every opportunity to make changes, suggestions or improvements to your own processes.
We don't like excuses and opinions without suggestions
I think you know people who make endless excuses and opinions, hoping that no one will pay attention to their shortcomings or mistakes. There are mistakes and problems to be solved everywhere. Anyone who helps us by highlighting them, summarising and reflecting on them, and making suggestions on the company’s dedicated platforms, will be a colleague we will love. Anyone who endlessly blames others and constantly opines will very quickly find themselves in a vacuum.
The mood is good, but don't get us wrong
We are not just an entertainment centre. Many people misunderstand that we always have a good atmosphere, a relaxed and balanced environment, and that everyone is direct. It doesn’t follow that our expectations of work are relaxed and free-flowing, that there’s no work to be done and it’s all fun and games. See this as an inspiring environment and show that you are a professional!