szerver mentés archiválás server backup archive

Data protection and operational security are of utmost importance for every company. Backing up virtual servers provides excellent protection for sensitive data in the event of a failure. Our secure data centres provide the highest level of physical security, and our virtual server infrastructure uses the latest disk and tape solutions to keep your data safe from potential threats and disruptions.

With our team available 24 hours a day and our data centres in Budapest able to respond quickly to any issues that may arise, you can rest assured that your business information is safe. Furthermore, our solutions are designed to meet industry standards, which means you’re as protected as possible against unexpected data loss or corruption, and have access to advanced features such as automatic backups and remote data recovery.

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Location-independent backup storage

Location independent backup storage is a backup solution that does not depend on a specific physical location or hardware. This concept is particularly useful in the event of a disaster on-site, as the simultaneous backup of data in remote locations ensures that there is always a working and accessible backup.

Leading technology solutions

Using the latest technology solutions is key to optimising backup and storage processes. Automated procedures and intelligent data management technologies enable faster and more accurate data backup, so organisations can recover fresh information quickly when needed.

Auditable processes

Auditable processes are vital for secure data management. These processes ensure that every step can be traced and audited, increasing the transparency and security of data management.

Data Asset Control

Data Asset Control is a vital tool for organisations, enabling them to fully monitor and manage their sensitive information. This control mechanism helps to minimise risks as organisations know exactly where their data is located, who has access to it and what measures they need to take to protect it.

Backup recovery tests

Regularly performing backup recovery tests is essential to ensure that data recovery is smooth and efficient in the event of a disaster. These tests ensure that backup systems are operational and that data can be recovered under any circumstances.

Extensive backup policies and procedures

Developing comprehensive security policies and procedures helps us to follow best practices and ensure the highest level of data protection and integrity. These policies cover all aspects of data management in detail, including access rules, encryption and frequency of data backup.

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