IT security datasecurity

Investing in cybersecurity is an essential part of any business. Not only does it ensure that your organisation’s valuable assets are protected against digital threats, it also prevents downtime due to IT security incidents.

A well-maintained IT security system can act as an invisible shield for your business, protecting against data breaches and outages that can impact productivity and profits. Downtime costs money; without adequate security, your business can suffer expensive losses due to malware or other malicious activity.

Investing in IT security pays off in the long run – not only by reducing financial losses, but also by increasing the confidence of customers who know they are safe when doing business with your organisation.

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Market-leading technologies

The latest technologies in cyber security are constantly evolving, enabling companies to offer the best to their customers. We offer market-leading solutions such as Palo Alto and Cisco Umbrella, ensuring that you have the most advanced protection against digital threats.

Affordable solutions

As the field of cybersecurity is constantly changing and evolving, it is often difficult to keep up with newer technologies. For some companies, this can be a problem, as they are often unable to spend large sums on the latest security solutions. We offer affordable, monthly fee alternatives that are accessible to all companies, regardless of size.

Centralised monitoring

We provide centralised control of IT security systems, allowing our clients to focus on their day-to-day activities. Through our monthly fee service, we keep a constant eye on the status of systems and respond in a timely manner to any threats.

Vulnerability scans

Regular vulnerability scans are key to identifying security gaps. These scans help companies to prevent potential attacks and ensure that necessary actions are taken in a timely manner. Our scans cover everything from end-user devices to the entire network infrastructure.

Automated audits

Automated controls provide constant protection, reducing the possibility of human error. These systems automatically and continuously monitor network traffic and anomalies, as well as connected user devices, allowing a rapid response to suspicious activity.

DDoS protection

Protecting against DDoS attacks is vital to maintaining a company’s online presence. These protection measures ensure that services remain available at all times, preventing inconveniences and possible additional financial losses.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Sérülékenység vizsgálat Vulnerability assessment

Vulnerability scan

Continuous monitoring Cost-effective Globaldatabases External and internal testing Security operations

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

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