Szerver felügyelet és támogatás server support and maintenance

Looking for reliable and professional server management services?

With our monthly server management and operational support package, you can be sure that your servers are in good hands.

Our experienced team of experts will take care of all aspects of server maintenance, from installation and configuration to upgrades and optimisation. We also provide personalised customisation options tailored to suit all your needs.

You can be confident that your servers will be up and running like clockwork with minimal downtime. This allows you to focus on what matters most: growing your business. Scroll down for more details.

Scroll down for more details

Extensive competence

Our team has a high level of expertise and experience. This enables us to offer our clients a variety of IT solutions. Whatever the technological challenge, we focus on a deep understanding of our customers’ needs. In addition to eliminating problems, we provide the best support.

Server Operations Centre

Rendszerinformatika’s Server Operations Centre guarantees the smooth running of the systems. We constantly monitor the vital signals of our servers. This ensures maximum availability and performance so that our customers never experience downtime or slow operation.

Installation and configuration

Our experienced professionals offer fast installation and customized configuration. Each project takes into account the specific needs of our customers. This ensures that systems are perfectly tailored to their requirements, ensuring a smooth commissioning and transition.

Upgrade and optimisation

Our regular updates ensure that our customers are always using the latest technologies. We constantly monitor market trends and technological innovations to stay ahead in a dynamically changing environment.

0-24 Monitoring

Our non-stop monitoring service allows you to continuously monitor the performance and security of your systems. You always have up-to-date information on the status of your systems. This approach enables immediate response, minimising potential disruptions and problems. It ensures a superior user experience.

Proactive monitoring

Our proactive monitoring allows us to identify potential problems early. We can prevent unexpected downtime and disruptions. As soon as we detect a deviation, we intervene immediately. This ensures your systems are running optimally. It delivers the highest levels of reliability essential for trouble-free business operations.

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Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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