Mobiltelefon bérlés szolgáltatás Mobile phone as a service

Looking for the best mobile phone service? Look no further! Our mobile phone rental service gives you exactly what you need.

We offer the latest Apple and Google devices to keep you up to date with the best technology. Instead of investing heavily in new phones, we offer a reliable and high-quality rental solution. We can provide multiple devices from each manufacturer at the same time, so you don’t have to worry about managing multiple contracts. Moreover, our prices are very competitive compared to similar services on the market.

As well as providing durable and powerful Apple and Google devices, our mobile phone rental service offers a range of benefits. For example, our customer support team is ready to answer any questions or problems you may have. And if your device does break down, don’t worry – we can provide a replacement device immediately!

Simply put, our mobile phone rental service is the perfect choice for businesses looking for high quality handsets without having to invest in new phones. With competitive prices, reliable customer service and flexible billing options, why not try our monthly mobile phone service today?

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iOS and Android devices

We offer you the latest and most popular Android and iOS devices. These phones have all the newest features, so you’re sure not to miss out on anything.

Investment-free solutions

With our mobile phone rental service, you no longer have to invest heavily in new devices. You’ll also save time and money that you can spend on other important business goals.

Servicing from stock

The stock availability of Rendszerinformatika ensures that mobile phones for rent are immediately available. Our customers can request immediate delivery and activation so their phones can be put to use without delay, avoiding long waiting times.

"Replace again" service

If for any reason their leased mobile phone fails, our customer service team can quickly and easily provide our customers with a replacement mobile so they don’t have to take a break from their business.

Cold standby options

Our customers can take advantage of cold standby options to ensure that they always have a spare device available. This means you don’t have to worry about not having a working phone in the unexpected situations, whether it’s a new colleague joining or an existing phone breaking down.

Fast and flexible service

Our customer service team is always ready to deal with our customers needs quickly and efficiently. In addition, our flexible billing options make it easy to use our mobile phone service.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

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Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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Adatközponti megoldások

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Rendszeres külső sérülékenységvizsgálat

cégeknek már havi
24 EUR
/hó -tól (+ÁFA)

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