Nyomatbiztonság szolgáltatás Print security service

Businesses of all sizes are constantly looking for ways to rationalise their operations and maintain their competitive advantage. Print security is a vital factor in this process as it helps protect confidential information from unauthorised access. It helps businesses ensure that documents remain secure while enabling their employees to print efficiently.

These systems ensure that only authorised users have access to printed documents. Instead of large investments in expensive equipment, Rendszerinformatika offers a monthly service plan that makes budgeting simple and predictable. This cost-effective solution can help businesses achieve cost savings without compromising security or efficiency.

In addition to providing a secure printing environment, we also help eliminate the risk of lost or stolen documents with our print security service. By requiring login and passwords or card security when printing, we ensure that only authorised people can view or print important documents. We also prevent malicious operators from accessing confidential information through printing devices connected to networks or online services.

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Central print management

Centralised print management allows companies to efficiently manage their print processes, reducing unnecessary costs and increasing productivity. With our solution, document management becomes simpler, more transparent and easier to control.

Monthly fee solutions

Monthly fee solutions allow businesses to plan ahead to avoid unexpected costs. This approach not only provides financial stability, but also flexibility that allows companies to adapt to ever-changing needs.

User-based tariff plans

Our user-based pricing plans let companies tailor their printing costs to user needs and habits. This not only helps to optimise costs, but also increases efficiency for businesses.

Comprehensive support

Comprehensive support from Rendszerinformatika ensures that companies have access to professional help at any time, so that printing problems can be solved quickly. This service helps keep operations running smoothly, allowing employees to carry out their tasks without interruption.

GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance is key to protecting confidential data. Our print security solutions ensure that companies are compliant with legal requirements, minimising legal risks and increasing the confidence of their employees and customers.

Advanced print control

Advanced print controls give companies the ability to monitor and control their printing activities. This solution not only increases security, but also contributes to sustainability by helping to reduce paper and toner consumption.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Nyomatbiztonság szolgáltatás Print security service

Print security

Central print management Monthly fee solutions User-based tariff plans Comprehensive

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

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24 EUR
/hó -tól (+ÁFA)

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