PC eszköz bérlés szolgáltatás PC rental as a service

Are you looking for a reliable and cost-effective solution to provide your company with the PC devices it needs? We offer monthly fee solutions and top-quality tools instead of costly investments.

The Lenovo devices we provide are known for their quality and reliability. They help businesses keep up with the latest technology while delivering unbeatable performance. Plus, these devices boast impressive features, including powerful processors, extensive storage capacity, clear resolution displays and other top-notch features. Thanks to their intuitive user interface, these PCs make it easy for employees to work quickly and efficiently.

Instead of a one-time large investment, our customers can choose an affordable payment plan that fits their budget while gaining access to the most advanced hardware. We also offer technical support in case anything goes wrong with your equipment, as well as comprehensive maintenance plans to ensure equipment continues to run smoothly and efficiently.

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Lenovo Think and Apple technology

As a key partner of Lenovo and Apple, Rendszerinformatika provides its customers with a wide range of PC devices. These technologies ensure exceptional performance and long-term reliability.

Investment-free solutions

Renting PC devices not only offers a more cost-effective solution, but also allows our customers to avoid significant investments in technology infrastructure. As a result, they can reduce their financial burden and focus their business on growth and development.

Cold standby option

Under the cold standby option, we keep equipment in stock specifically for our customers, so that in the event of a breakdown or expansion, we can immediately provide equipment that fits perfectly into the infrastructure already in place.

Serving from stock

Rendszerinformatika’s inventory ensures that the items offered for rent are immediately available. Our customers can request fast delivery and activation, so their phones can be used without delay, avoiding long waiting times.

"Replace again " service

We offer a fast and seamless device replacement service for failed devices, so our customers can always enjoy the latest technology solutions. The “Replace Again” service is not only cost-effective, but also ensures minimal delays in the workflow.

Device support and maintenance

Rendszerinformatika’s team is ready to facilitate the management and maintenance of your machines. Our device support and maintenance service includes upgrading pre-installed software, backups and data loss protection.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

PC eszköz bérlés szolgáltatás PC rental as a service

PC as a service

Lenovo Think and Apple technology Investment-free solutions Cold standby option

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

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Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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Rendszeres külső sérülékenységvizsgálat

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14,9 EUR
/IP cím -től (+ÁFA)
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