Bérelt vonal internet eszköz leased line

Businesses today depend on the internet and all its possibilities, so it is essential to have a reliable and fast connection.

Fibre optic internet connections are the perfect solution because they offer superior speed, reliability and security compared to other forms of connectivity. It makes things like large file uploads, which businesses often are in need of, easier, faster and safer.

Having a single provider manage both internet connection and company servers offers significant advantages. It provides a single point of contact for troubleshooting any issues that may arise, and integrating multiple servers on one network allows seamless access to content or applications from anywhere. This level of integration is not always possible when using multiple providers.

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Modern Cisco technology

Our services are built on the most advanced Cisco technology solutions that have been bringing security and reliability to businesses for decades. We operate a unique infrastructure with homogeneous Cisco routers in Hungary.

Up to 10Gbit bandwidth

With System Informatics, you don’t have to compromise on speed. We offer a 10/10 Gbps leased line internet service over a fibre optic network, guaranteed to provide a fast and seamless internet connection.

High availability

Our services guarantee 99.8% availability per year. Continuous monitoring of the infrastructure ensures that your business connection is always up and running.

Flexible and fast setup

Rendszerinformatika offers fast and flexible solutions to meet changing business needs when it comes to deploying office internet connections and data centre networks. We always strive to provide the fastest and best solution to get your business operational as quickly as possible.

Direct data connections

Our services provide network connections that allow data to be transmitted quickly and securely, and minimise latency between two or more points.

Internet connections

A reliable internet connection is crucial for businesses. At Rendszerinformatika, we place great emphasis on providing stable and fast Internet connections, whether in an office or data centre environment.

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