Endpoint Management Végpontkezelés

Having the right endpoint management service in place is essential when it comes to supporting the company laptops and desktops used by staff.

It can help you keep an eye on the devices connected to your company’s IT network and provide regular maintenance services, such as installing security updates and performance checks.

This proactive approach ensures that data is protected against cybercriminals, while optimised hardware performance and the latest, monitored applications enable increased productivity and enhanced collaboration.

While retaining the technological edge, investing in an endpoint management service provides reassurance, cutting-edge security measures and greater oversight.

Instead of investing significant amounts of money in outright purchase of devices, you can save businesses financial resources by choosing laptop rental or other monthly fee solutions with endpoint management services!

The options provided by Rendszerinformatika give you access to the latest technologies without having to worry about amortization costs or technical difficulties that may arise.

IT fleet management has never been so simple and practical!

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Lenovo Think and Apple technology

As a proud partner of Lenovo and Apple, Rendszerinformatika offers customers a wide range of laptop and desktop computers. Their technology provides employees with essential industry-leading performance and reliability.

Investment-free solutions

Investment-free solutions for IT fleet management allow companies to flexibly adapt to changing needs. This saves them financial resources while using the latest devices with monthly fee plans.

Cold standby option

Under the cold standby option, we keep in stock equipment specifically designed for our customers, so that in the event of a breakdown or expansion, we can immediately provide machines that fit perfectly into the infrastructure already in place.

Serving from stock

Rendszerinformatika’s stock ensures that the equipment offered for hire is immediately available. Our customers can request immediate delivery and activation, so their devices can be put to use without delay, avoiding long waiting times.

Device support and maintenance

Regular device support and maintenance is essential for smooth operation. With security updates and performance checks, companies can ensure maximum protection and efficiency.

Wide range of devices

With a wide range of devices available as part of our endpoint management service, our customers are guaranteed to choose the best solution for their needs. Whether it’s a laptop, desktop, monitor, dock, tablet or anything else your employees might need.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

PC eszköz bérlés szolgáltatás PC rental as a service

PC as a service

Lenovo Think and Apple technology Investment-free solutions Cold standby option

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

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Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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14,9 EUR
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