Co-Location Product ENG

Victor Hugo datacenter

Victor Hugo Adatközpont


Rack spaces


Gross area

3kW / rack

Power capactiy

A+B power feed

2 own generators

2+1 uninterrupted power source

96+40 batteries

30 security cameras

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Datacenter – Victor Hugo Read More »

Hauszmann datacenter

Hauszmann Adatközpont


Rack spaces


Gross area

3kW / rack

Power capacity

1 generator

5 uninterrupted power source

320 batteries

60 security cameras

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Kapcsolódó cikkeink

Datacenter – Hauszmann Read More »

Terület alapú szerver elhelyezés ketrec cage szolgáltatás Area based server placement cage service
Terület alapú szerver elhelyezés ketrec cage szolgáltatás Area based server placement cage service

We offer a reliable and secure server hosting service on a territorial basis. Our cage solution gives businesses greater control and security over their equipment and data by allowing them to use their own dedicated racks in a co-location environment. All of our server rooms are equipped with a gas-based fire suppression system, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and two-factor identification for additional protection.

Our Budapest data centres also offer geo-redundant solutions to help ensure that the servers are backed up regardless of location, and should the primary data centre ever go down. Downtime can be minimised by storing multiple copies of data in different locations.

We understand how important it is for businesses to meet uptime requirements, which is why all our services are designed to meet our customers’ expectations for reliability and performance. Our experienced technicians are available 24 hours a day to help diagnose any problems that may arise while using our server hosting services, ensuring that out customers’ data remains safe even during unexpected downtime. We also provide proactive monitoring services so our team can detect potential problems before they disrupt businesses.

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Secure server room

Rendszerinformatika’s secure server rooms provide a protected environment for storing data and IT systems for businesses. High-quality video-audio verification and two-factor authentication help ensure complete security.

Uninterruptible power supply

Uninterruptible power supply ensures uninterrupted operation of systems regardless of power outages. This is particularly important for companies’ online operations and presence, where continuous availability is essential. In addition, data failure caused by power outages and blackouts can be avoided.

Gas-based extinguishing system

The gas-based fire extinguishing systems used in Rendszerinformatika’s data centres provide the highest level of protection against fires. This solution minimises the risks that a fire and its extinguishing with dust or liquid would pose to sensitive electronic systems.

Controlled humidity

At Rendszerinformatika, we continuously monitor and control the humidity in our data centres to maintain the right environmental conditions. This is essential to maintain optimum server performance, as proper humidity levels contribute to system stability and reliability.

Stable cooling system

In data centres, maintaining a constant temperature is essential to keep servers running optimally. Our appropriate cooling solutions ensure that systems do not suffer from overheating, contributing to a longer lifetime of your devices.

24/7 monitoring

Rendszerinformatika’s experts provide constant monitoring, so you can always be sure that your server deployment is secure and reliable from day one. In the event of any problems, we respond quickly and efficiently to minimise system downtime and ensure business continuity.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Szerver elhelyezés rack elhelyezés Server hosting rack hosting

Rack-based location

Secure server room Uninterruptible power supply Gas-based extinguishing system Controlled

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

Area-based rack cabinet location Read More »

Szerver elhelyezés rack elhelyezés Server hosting rack hosting
Szerver elhelyezés rack elhelyezés Server hosting rack hosting

Co-location services offer businesses a secure and reliable solution for hosting their server infrastructure. Our rack cabinet solutions allow you to locate your servers in our data centres in Budapest, ensuring maximum uptime and reliability for your business.

All of our data centres are equipped with gas-based fire suppression systems, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and two-factor authentication for access control. We also offer geo-redundant solutions to ensure maximum availability at all times. With the help of our expert staff, you can be assured that your server installation will be secure and reliable from day one.

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Secure server room

Rendszerinformatika’s secure server rooms provide a protected environment for storing data and IT systems for businesses. High-quality video-audio verification and two-factor authentication help ensure complete security.

Uninterruptible power supply

Uninterruptible power supply ensures uninterrupted operation of systems regardless of power outages. This is particularly important for companies’ online operations and presence, where continuous availability is essential. In addition, data failure caused by power outages and blackouts can be avoided.

Gas-based extinguishing system

The gas-based fire extinguishing systems used in the data centres of Rendszerinformatika provide the highest level of protection against fires. This solution minimises the risks that a fire and its extinguishing with dust or liquid would pose to sensitive electronic systems.

Controlled humidity

At Rendszerinformatika, we continuously monitor and control the humidity in our data centres to maintain the right environmental conditions. This is essential to maintain optimum server performance, as proper humidity levels contribute to system stability and reliability.

Stable cooling system

In data centres, maintaining a constant temperature is essential to keep servers running at optimum performance. Our appropriate cooling solutions ensure that systems do not suffer from overheating, contributing to a longer lifetime of the devices.

24/7 monitoring

Rendszerinformatika’s experts provide constant monitoring, so you can always be sure that your server deployment is safe and reliable from day one. In the event of any problems, we respond quickly and efficiently to minimise system downtime and ensure business continuity.

Kapcsolódó termékeink és szolgáltatásaink

Szerver elhelyezés rack elhelyezés Server hosting rack hosting

Rack-based location

Secure server room Uninterruptible power supply Gas-based extinguishing system Controlled

Kapcsolódó cikkeink

Rack-based location Read More »

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Notice: Our services are only available to companies
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Ajánlat kérés

Rack szekrény bérlet
– 42 unit
– 3 kW
– budai adatközpont

60 000

Ft + ÁFA /hó​

+ 1 Gbps internetkapcsolat


Ft + ÁFA /hó​

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Rendszeres külső sérülékenységvizsgálat

cégeknek már havi
14,9 EUR
/IP cím -től (+ÁFA)
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