Dokumentum- és Tudástár

Policy concerning the management of the outstanding receivables

Purpose of the policy

The policy on the management of receivables (abbreviated: KKSZ – Kintlévőség Kezelési Szabályzat) sets forth and regulates the measures of Rendszerinformatika Zrt. (abbreviated: RI) used in the interest of managing its receivables, as follows:

  • Contact keeping and information providing obligation
  • Book keeping of received payments and transfers
  • Steps taken by service provider after the expiry of the payment deadline
  • Service restrictions because of fee debts
  • Withdrawal of the commercial credit line
  • Payment deferment and fee complaints
  • Fees incurring in connection with receivables
  • Credit Qualification and Credit Insurance

Accessibility of the referred documents

Data Processing Information:
ÁSzF [GTC] and ÁKKF [General Commercial and Implementation Conditions]:

The english version of the Policy concerning the management of the outstanding receivables can be downloaded in pdf HERE

Contract keeping and information providing obligation

Notifications are sent primarily by email to the address given as the appendix of the service contract for the sending of the invoices. Therefore, if any change occurs in the data it is necessary to notify the Economic Division of Rendszerinformatkia Zrt within the shortest time possible, but within maximum 8 days.  It is possible to report the changes of master data by sending a filled in new Data Reporting Sheet signed officially to the email address. If notification stipulated in Section 8.1 of the GTC is not done by Subscriber or Customer, then, Subscriber or Customer is liable for the additional costs and damages that will arise from not performing the notification.

If conciliation is needed either because of the receivable or the contents of the invoice, then the primary conciliation channel is the email address and the ticket opened in the Enterprise Resource System for the late performance case for the purpose of managing the receivables (hereinafter referred to as: Jira ticket). The Subscriber/Customer will receive in each case an electronic message about the accessibility of the Líra ticket at the invoice sending address given in the course of signing the contract.

Book keeping of received payments and transfers

 Information that has to be known about book keeping:

  • The letters include the items that were entered into the books until the date that had been taken into consideration.
  • Each invoice, fee time of an expired payment deadline existing against a Subscriber or Customer is taken into consideration as a Fee Debt.
  • A debt may be considered to be settled when its total amount – including the interest and the collection cost flat rate as well – is credited to the account of Rendszerinformatika Zrt.
  • The received transactions are processed in the case of bank transfers at the earliest on the day that follows crediting on the account, on the day when the bank account statement arrives.
  • Due to the above it may happen that a notice is sent about an item that has been already received. In these cases the contents of the letter sent may be disregarded, except in the case of the last notice preceding the restriction of the service in which case it is necessary to send to the address the certificate without any delay after making the transfer in the interest of halting the process.

Steps taken by service provider after the expiry of the payment deadline

Service provider will introduce the following measures after the expiry of the deadline of a non-debated, accepted debt (hereinafter the expiry of the invoice).

In the case of service invoices

  1. Sending an information providing email notice on the day of expiry, which contains all the open invoices. – on the day when the debt became due that is on day 0
  2. Payment summons and notification on the expected legal consequences– on day 8 and day 12 after the date when the debt became due
  3. Payment summons and notification on the expected time of the restriction of services with indicating the legal consequences – on day 18 after the date when the debt became due
  4. Notification on the opening of the right of restricting the service and at the same time on the expectable time of termination in line with Point 6.3.1 of the GTC and this policy – from day 23 after the due date of the debt
  5. Repeated notice concerning the settlement of the debt and notification on the expectable legal consequences – on day 30 after the due date of the debt.
  6. Closing the contract with an extraordinary termination – earliest from day 38 after the due date of the debt
    • The Service Provider terminates the contract with an extraordinary termination. GTC 7.3.3.
    • The remaining fees are invoiced in one amount. GTC 7.5.1.
    • The total debt is handed over to the law office assigned by the credit insurance company and the Service Provider.

In the case of commercial invoices

  1. An information providing email notification is sent on the day of expiry, which contains all open invoices. – on the due date of the debt, that is, Day 0
  2. Payment summons and notification on the expectable legal consequences, suspension of deliveries to be made at the expense of the commercial credit line on day 8!day 8 and day 12 after the due date of the debt.
  3. Sending the payment summons with indicating the legal consequences – on day 18 after the due date of the debt
  4. Opening of the right to terminate the commercial credit line – on day 23 after the due date of the debt
  5. Repeated summons concerning the settlement of the debt and notification on the expectable legal consequences – on Day 30 after the due date of the debt.
  6. Closing the contract with an extraordinary termination – from day 38 after the due date of the debt
    • The contract is terminated by the Service Provider/RI with extraordinary termination.
    • The entire debt is handed over to the law office assigned by the credit insuring company and the Service Provider/RI;
    • The assigned law office will start the procedure that corresponds to the Payment Conditions included in Point 3 of the Commercial and Implementation Conditions and it will initiate the other required procedures.)

Restriction of services due to fee debts

  • In the case of a fee debt, if the asset collateral provided by the Subscriber is not available, the restriction of using the service, thus, especially to restrict the traffic, the decreasing of the quality or other properties of the service may take place.
  • All the services corresponding to the contract may be even jointly restricted.
  • Service Provider acting within its discretionary power in the case of unsuccessful conciliations, will exercise its restriction right already on day 23, but at the latest on day 30.
  • If the Subscriber fails to eliminate the cause of restriction within 15 days, such restriction shall not prevent termination if the conditions thereof otherwise exist.
  • The termination of the restriction is subject to fees. The service will be restored within maximum 72 hours after the arrival of the debt (also including the interests and the collection cost flat rate), and the restoration fee to the account of Service Provider.
  • If the service(s) is(are) restricted, it is possible to use a new service in the case of a late payment free period of 6 months following restoration.
  • The restriction may also involve the accessibility and quality of electronic telecommunication services used by Subscriber that is built on the internet access service.
  • Service Provider in case the subscriber service (internet access service and VoIP) ensures the following:
    • a) the callability of subscriber,
    • b) forwarding the help requesting calls,
    • c) the accessibility of the client service of Service Provider,
    • d) the accessibility of the party that reported the defect,
    • e) An internet service that has such speed and quality properties that allows at least electronic correspondence and the using of electronic case administration services (minimal service level internet access service).
  • In the case of Services provided in the Data Center the power service, the cooling and operator service is not restricted, but at the same time it is not possible to carry away any devices from the Data Centers until the debt is fully paid.

Service Provider for the duration of the Service restriction will charge a fee that is proportional to the provided services.

Termination of the commercial credit line

  • In the case of a delay longer than 7 days, Rendszerinformatika Zrt has the right to suspend the commercial credit line and the subsequent deliveries. New deliveries are possible during the existence of the delay only with payment in advance.
  • Service Provider acting within its discretionary power, in case conciliations are unsuccessful, will exercise its right to terminate the commercial credit line on day 23;
  • The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract even if the commercial line of credit is withdrawn.
  • After the termination of the commercial credit line, in case the late payment is settled, further deliveries will be possible only with payment in advance.
  • Using a commercial credit line again will be possible on the basis of the individual judgement of Service Provider, but at the earliest following the timely settlement of the fee and after 6 months following the banning of the credit line.

Payment deferments and fee complaints

Deferment request

  • If the settlement of the fee by the deadline is hindered by an obstacle, it is possible to ask a payment deferment in writing until day 15 following expiry, subsequently it will already not be possible to request a payment deferment.
  • The payment deferment request has to contain a transparent and observable payment schedule proposal, with taking into consideration that the extent of payment deferment (secondary deadline) may be maximum 30 days after the original payment deadline, and it does not provide exemption from under the legal consequences of late performance. The payment deferment may not involve the due date of the other invoices.
  • After the summons issued by the lawyer and in case the delay reached day 30, the payment deadline already cannot be modified, the entire debt has to be settled within 8 days, otherwise legal steps will be taken.

Fee complaint

  • If Subscriber or Customer debates the amount of the fee or the content of the invoice that is charged by Service Provider/RI, then Service Provider shall enter into the registration the report (Fee Complaint) without any delay and it will investigate it within 30 days. Service Provider is not entitled to terminate the contract until the completion of the investigation of the report.
  • If Subscriber or Customer submits the complaint prior to the expiry of the fee payment deadline to Service Provider/RI and Service Provider does not refuse the report within 5 days, the fee payment deadline concerning the fee item involved in the report will be extended with the duration of the investigation of the fee complaint.
  • The Fee Complaint submitted in connection with an invoice of expired payment deadline has no deferring impact on payment.
  • It is possible to submit the Fee Complaint at the following email address:
  • The Service Provider, in the case of electronic telecommunication services does not accept any complaints beyond 1 year after the due date of the invoice.
  • If the Fee Complaint was not well-founded, Subscriber/Customer has to pay the amount corresponding to the invoice as well as the late performance interest calculated from the payment deadline (and the collection cost flat rate) to Rendszerinformatika Zrt.

Fees concerning outstanding receivables

Late performance interest

  • The extent of late performance interest is determined by law, it is the central bank base rate valid on the first day of the half-year when the payment became late + 8% (Section 6:155 (1) of the Civil Code).
  • In the case of each late performance the late performance interest corresponding to the provisions of law will be charged.
  • The secondary deadlines, with the exception of fee complaint being within expiry, do not exempt from under the legal consequences of late performance.
  • The calculation of the interest is done according to the valid legislation with taking into consideration a 5 day grace period, but in the case of a delay of more than 5 days, the period of grace is also included in the late performance days.
  • Our company acts in respect of the book keeping of the received items in each case in line with the following provisions of law. Section 6:46 of the Civil Code: „If the amount paid for the settlement of a money debt is not sufficient for the settlement of the entire det then– if the beneficiary did not stipulate it otherwise and its unambiguous intent cannot be recognised – it has to be accounted primarily for the costs, and then for the interests and finally for the primary debt.”
  • If the new deadline requested in the payment deferment is beyond 30 days calculated from the original payment deadline, we may charge an interest that corresponds to the effective late performance interest for the period of deferment.

Rules concerning the other fees

If any steps have to be taken by a lawyer and/or the number of the days of delay exceed 15 calendar days, the collection cost flat rate referring to the invoices involved and the additional costs will be charged in each case.

Fee items

  • Sending a payment summons by post: 2 000 HUF + VAT / item
  • Fee of restoring the service: 8 900 HUF + VAT / occasion
  • Fee of domain restoration: 5 000 HUF + VAT / domain
  • Interest of the period of deferment: The base interest of the central bank valid on the first day of the half year of the time when the payment became late + 8%
  • Collection cost flat rate according to the law: 40 EUR / ate performance (debt / invoice / settlement)

Dismissal of interest, individual judgement, further allowances

  • The dismissing/deleting the late performance interest may be requested on one occasion per calendar year for the reason of fairness, It will be reviewed beyond this exclusively in a justified case (e.g. proven late delivery).
  • Dismissing the late performance interest is judged individually in the case of each Subscriber/Customer, this judgement is influenced by the extent of delay, the size of the amount, and the number of late payments within the year, and the successfulness of the delay related communication.
  • It is a basic condition for setting any additional allowance or of a longer payment deadline that all the debts that incurred until then have to be settled.
  • We expect to receive any allowance and deleting related request at the email address.

Credit Qualification and Credit Insurance

Credit line

In the case of our Customer it is possible to set a credit line based on client qualification. The expiry period of the credit line is one year.

Credit qualification

The risk analysing procedure used for the judgement of the credit line covers the USED contract portfolio of Subscriber or Customer, financial indices that are available to the public, and the examination of the regularity of invoice debts, payment abnormalities. During the examination of payment discipline we evaluate expressly negatively the receivables that have been outstanding for more than 30 days. It is not recommended to outplace additional devices, the using of other services, to deliver additional commercial goods or licences for Customers that have account debts beyond 30 days, classified under the extremely high risk category.

We manage our credit lines and late receivables in each case consistently and strictly. Carrying out the steps described in our outstanding receivables management policy are outstandingly important and expected on one hand for the performance of the expectations of the financing parties and also partially for the operation safety of our services. It is not possible to deviate from the steps that are described in the policy, only the deferment options described above may be requested.

We supplement the establishment of the credit limit and its management with co-operation with a buyer insuring party.

As the client of the insurance company we undertook the obligation to request an insurance coverage for our entire clientele, independently of the real or assumed credit worthiness of our Customers and their payment habits.

For this end, acting within its own discretionary power and primarily in the case of outstandingly high amount limit requests and in the lack of public data, the Insurance Company may prepare a detailed company analysis on our Customers. For this purpose, the contribution of our Customers may be also needed. Therefore we ask that if you are contacted by the colleagues of the Client Insuring Party please co-operate with them in the interest of qualification and please give them the requested financial information.

If the needed data are missing about a company, we will not get a credit limit for our deliveries at all or we will get a low credit limit in the course of credit qualification. As a consequence of this we may have to reduce the quantity of our deliveries for the given Customer and we have to change the payment conditions.

The data provided by you may be exclusively accessed by the employees of Coface Hungary. Upon your request, the handed over information will be treated as trade secret.

The credit insurance contract serves not only for insuring the claims, but it means a complete claim management. In the course of buyer qualification and risk analysis we obtain an accurate picture on the financial performance capability of our current and potential clients and the credit insuring party also provides assistance in the enforcement and collection of the expired outstanding receivables.

Credit insurance

Coface Hungary is our co-operating partner in the field of managing our outstanding receivables since April 22, 2021.

Hungarian branch office of Compagnie francaise d’assurance pour le commerce extérieur

1134 Budapest, Váci út 45. H. ép. 7. em.
Tax number: 22101226-2-41
Company registry number: 01-17-000308
Phone number: +36 1 299 20 70

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